Monday, March 18, 2013

Dead Sun Rising 3/18/2013

Dead Sun Rising
Monday March 18th 2013
KWCW 90.5fm

song title  ARTIST

black woods  MONO
everything's fucked  DIRTY THREE

minna yumede arimashira  SLAP HAPPY HUMPHREY

silver shirt  SONIC YOUTH

black rain  MONO
silver panties  SONIC YOUTH
world  DEAD C.

silver flower  SONIC YOUTH
world to be ashes  GALLHAMMER

chihei-sen(the horizon)  SLAP HAPPY HUMPHREY
ashes in the snow  MONO

angel  DEAD C.
do you believe in rapture  SONIC YOUTH
kim's dirt  DIRTY THREE

the diamond sea  SONIC YOUTH

scramble public  AUBE
wired trap  AUBE

purification to numbness  AUBE

spindrift  AUBE

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